All The Things I Love About Noordhoek, South Africa

It has now gone more than 2 whole months on 2019 and around one month and 24 days since we came home from South Africa. And you have no idea how much I miss it. But it’s actually starting to get warmer and less dark here in Sweden so I finally don’t feel like a zombie anymore. Which feels quite positive.

The last house we rented in South Africa were in the suburb Noordhoek, around 20 minutes from Cape Town. If you’ve read my recent posts about SA you know that we stayed at like 3 more places around Cape Town. In Stellenbosch, Constantia and Franschhoek. Anyways, Noordhoek is a place I’ve visited a few times before but never stayed in, which was a new thing for this trip. The house we rented was so nice, it had the greatest view, an enormous pool and such a good style. The walls in this house were made of concrete so the theme was “dark grey” concrete together with tree furniture and black and white details. It looked so good that we are now actually renovating a bathroom in our summer cottage to the same style! Love how you get so much inspiration from all these gorgeous houses we’ve rented through the years (we’ve definatly rented some pretty shitty places too, fyi).  Here’s now all the things I love about Noordhoek:

The views

We stayed at a house with such a amazing view over the mountains and over Noordhoek beach, which is a incredibly long and wide beach. It’s crazy, the whole beach is like 8 km long and it takes like 10 minutes to walk from the start of the beach to the ocean. But that’s what I love about it. If you’d like to read some more about especially Noordhoek beach click here! and you’ll come to another post of mine.

Chapman’s peak, you never get tired of it!

Chapman’s peak is a mountain on the western side of the Cape Peninsula, between Hout Bay and Noordhoek in Cape Town. Chapman’s peak drive is the road that winds around the mountain from one side to the other. And I’m 100% serious when I say that this is one of my favorite places in South Africa. The view is absolutley amazing and even though I’ve seen it so many times, I probably won’t ever get tired of it. The drive has 3-4 spots where you can park and go out to watch the view and take breathtaking photos. One of the most beautiful places I know so if you’re in the area I do really recommend taking this drive!

Noordhoek community market at Cape Point

Cape Point is a vineyard with a amazing location. We visited their local food market and it was so nice. The community market is a weekly market on Cape Points stunning landscape estate were they have lots of wine ranks, a huge pond with turtles in it and a great view over the beach and the woods. They offer so much good food and drinks like sushi, pizza, fresh pressed juice drinks, tacos, different kind of meat and also some weird green sushi that I’d ever tried before. We sat on the grass and ate all these food we bought to try, like a picnic. Imagine this: sitting on the grass eating just out of the oven pizza, drinking newly pressed fruit juices and watching the sun go down over the sea and creating a pink color that’s reflecting on the ponds water, together with some of the people you love the most. Such a good evening. There were definetly quite a lot of people but If you want to do something to feel more like a local, I think this is a perfect choice. And the pizzas tasted like actual heaven.

You can understand that I miss all of this, right?! Noordhoek is really such a gorgeous place. I love the nature, the food, the people, the views, the sunsets, the beach and to just simply be there. For me, Cape Town and the area around it isn’t just a place – it’s a feeling. I think that’s a very good way to discribe it.

Have you ever heard of Noordhoek? Have you been there? or do you want to visit? Let’s chat in the comments down below.


29 thoughts on “All The Things I Love About Noordhoek, South Africa

    1. Thank you! Yeah that’s true, you definitely don’t hear that much about Noordhoek at all, which is a shame but also good since I think a bit of the beauty would be ruined if everyone knew about it and if this place was crowded with tourists. I’m happy you liked the post!

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  1. Wow! This looks amazing! I want to travel more in the future and your pics in this post are breath-taking. I’ve never been to Africa so that’s deff on my bucket list!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do absolutely recommend South Africa for you!! It is such a special and wonderful country, I feel like home down there! Aw thank you, I’m so chocked that people compliment my pics so much when they are really just taken with a iPhone 6! Hope you get to travel more! :))

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